Stress Busters

Everyone these days from young to old are feeling stressed . It could be from having too many to dos and the same 24 hours for all.

It’s easier said than done – to do yoga, meditation and prayers in the morning. I have definitely felt more energy flow on days I check those off my list, first thing in the morning with at least 23 minutes of yoga and 10 minutes of meditation and prayer.

Looks like spirituality is more a science of well being than philosophy. Only drawback is trying to run our life like trying to run a car with no gasoline. Trying to find a consistent practice and routine that works everyday is an art. It’s so unique to each one of us that one needs to figure out for themselves.

Some tips that works but yet to make them consistent are

Watching my breadth whenever I can and or remember so it becomes a practice of awareness with my feelings and or actions

Chanting prayers just for a few minutes while feeling overwhelmed or stressed.

To start working one at a time instead of thinking of all the to dos.

Taking a quick morning walk around the neighborhood or trying to do an early morning quick yoga routine.

Trying to follow an early to bed and early to rise routine.