Amla – Nellikkai – Indian Gooseberry as a home remedy.

Amla Indian gooseberry is considered king of fruits and has been used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine. The reason is it called king of fruits is because it is believed to not to lose its potency in any form cooked or raw. It is considered a cure all for most ailments like leaky gut syndrome, cholesterol, diabetes, powerful antioxidant has vitamin c about 10 oranges so enhances your immunity and is good for the hair, so try to take just one gooseberry everyday to reap its benefits for 3 months. It may taste sour but drink a glass of water after eating one and the water tastes deliciously sweet.

amla c : Supernature.bloggBenefits of Amla or Indian Gooseberry

Recent research has proven amla  as a cure for diabetes. Here is the interesting link